07729965231 rebecca@purple-rain.co.uk

Category archive: News

Purple Rain is 4 today!

PR consultancy in Northern Ireland celebrates fourth birthday Today marks the anniversary of the establishment of Purple Rain as a PR consultancy in 2011. To celebrate all that Purple Rain has achieved and been involved with over the past four years, I have put together a quick iMovie showing some of the highlights to date….

Are Collies the ‘Best in Show’?

A recent exercise carried out by journalist David McCandless to find the best breed of dog concluded that the Border Collie is the top canine animal. Purple Rain owner Rebecca McConnell wrote an opinion piece in relation to the study that was published in today’s Belfast Telegraph: I would whole heartily agree with David’s study….

Bringing in the harvest

Saturday was a beautiful autumnal day. The sky was blue, conditions were dry, perfect for the potato harvest. I joined my brother Trevor and the team in a field, with magnificent views of the Mourne Mountains, as we set out to bring in the crop of Marquis potatoes. Now potato harvesting has come a long…

To plant or not to plant

The question may be, to plant potatoes or not to plant potatoes, but the answer will always depend on the weather. Spring is a busy time down on the farm, especially when the sun is out, as you might have noticed driving through the countryside lately. My brother, Trevor, has been busy planting potatoes when…

This week I finally got around to doing a spot of DIY, something that I had been planning for quite some time. I had bought a colourful floral canvas and matching linen last year and various other bits and pieces to redecorate a room. With one thing and another it’s taken me this long to…

Why Purple Rain?

Why did I call my PR consultancy Purple Rain? There are many reasons, but before you ask, no, it’s not because I am a massive Prince fan. If I am being honest, I actually prefer ‘Raspberry beret’ from his vast repertoire. The story begins back in 2006 when I began to work in the communications…

New Zealand wins Rugby 7s & Garda take women’s title at WPFG Belfast

After two days Rugby 7s action at Queens Sport (DUB), it was time for finals day to determine the 2013 WPFG men from the boys, and women from the girls. All the matches took place on the Arena meaning the spectators could enjoy the match whatever the weather under the roof. It started off dry…

Rugby 7s make some noise at QUB DUB for WPFG

The sun was shining in South Belfast today as rugby 7s WPFG action continued at Queens University’s DUB playing fields. Twenty nine matches were being played on two different pitches covering four leagues: men’s division 1, men’s division 2A and 2B and the women’s league. Rugby 7s is played 7 minutes a side with 7…

World class venue at Kilbroney Park for WPFG Mountain Biking

Day two of my volunteering with #wpfgmediateam and I found myself at a familiar venue but covering yet another unfamiliar sport – Cross country Mountain biking at Kilbroney Park in Rostrevor. A native of South Down, I have long adored the beautiful views available in the forest park but the competitors today will have been…