07729965231 rebecca@purple-rain.co.uk

Purple Rain’s first podcast appearance

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Purple Rain’s first podcast appearance

Thanks to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Purple Rain had the opportunity to take part in their first podcast appearance. The episode aired on Wednesday 23rd September focusing on ‘Maximising social media’.

Alongside Carnmoney Presbyterian’s Creative Associate Jamie Neish and Hill Street Presbyterian Church’s Assistant Minister John Graham, Purple Rain’s Rebecca McConnell joined host, PCI’s Rick Hill to consider our engagement with social media, both personally and as congregations. With the pandemic closing church doors from March to August, social media is an area that many congregations have chosen to explore in recent months, discovering fresh opportunities as well as unearthing some frustrations too. The podcast panel discussed how helpful it is for a church to have a virtual front door, and share helpful practices in developing digital ministry as well as talking about finding a digital balance and how less can sometimes be more.

Did you know?

Around 7.1 million people in the UK now listen to podcasts each week. That’s one in eight people and is an increase of 24% over the past year – and more than double over the past five years. Ofcom research also found that half of listeners have joined the podcast wave in the last two years.

Press the play button above to listen to the podcast

In addition, Rebecca also wrote a blog post for PCI in July about ‘Lessons we are learning about engaging in the digital space’ aimed at helping churches understand social channels options and offering some practical tips to get started. You can read it here.

This article was written by purplerain