07729965231 rebecca@purple-rain.co.uk

Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Project 4 of 15
  • 2013 General Assembly

  • General Assembly 2013

Purple Rain has worked with PCI at their annual General Assembly in a variety of roles.

In 2013, Rebecca provided micro blogging support of the proceedings via Twitter. For the first time in eighty years the Assembly moved from its usual base in Belfast to Londonderry, so it was imperative that constant communication was sent out to followers who normally attended in person or watched via web streaming. Tweets using hashtag #pciga13 were designed to inform, engage and educate followers and raise the profile of the historic event. Followers on Twitter increased by 43% and in the four day period of the Assembly, over 400 tweets were issued.

In 2014, assistance took the form of managing press and liaising with journalists and photographers to ensure maximum press coverage of the Assembly. Over 30 print articles were carried including positive coverage in the front page of the News Letter. A range of online articles and radio interviews were also achieved during the course of the week long Assembly.

During the summer and winter, Purple Rain managed press queries and led campaigns such as the Moderator’s Christmas message.

July 30, 2023