07729965231 rebecca@purple-rain.co.uk
Call to be Captain,
Claire Boyd, First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church
March 2012
Claire was Captain of the 353rd NI Company of Girls’ Brigade from 2005 to 2016. Her role required endless hours not just on company nights from September through to March, but in preparation, administration, leadership and prayer for the work of GB. The red lanyard indicates her rank of Captain. The various badges on her lapels represent different achievements in her time as a member of the Christian organisation.

Call to be Captain
Claire Boyd, First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church
March 2012
Claire was Captain of the 353rd NI Company of Girls’ Brigade from 2005 to 2016. Her role required endless hours not just on company nights from September through to March, but in preparation, administration, leadership and prayer for the work of GB. The red lanyard indicates her rank of Captain. The various badges on her lapels represent different achievements in her time as a member of the Christian organisation.